MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Foundations: async
Lecture: Skeleton async Program
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Are you ready to write some async code using async and await? Let's do it. Let's do it.
So we're going to go back to an API call, not a database call just yet. Because we haven't talked about how to do the database work yet.
We haven't talked about beanie and API's are perfect. Even if the API itself for single threaded single level concurrency, the internet itself
is not and a lot of times what you're waiting on is actually the messages making its way through the internet pipes, not the actual server itself.
So back to our weather service. Notice that we can go up here and we can say we want to go to a city like city equals Portland
state equals Oregon, we could go Seattle and Washington, we would get Seattle Washington's
report which is pretty similar here they're geographically close. So I want to do that for a bunch of places.
So I actually went and asked ChatGPT, hey, we've got this URL like this, please generate a bunch of URLs for cities, it did.
And so now we're going to go and call these first in a serial way, and then in a concurrent asyncio way.
So I've already typed those in just to save you the trouble of generating those and writing them down all of that. Now let's write a function.
I'll start out, I guess, this one, I guess we could have it be synchronous, but all of its work it's gonna do is going to have to be asynchronous.
And there's a little bit of a weird twist that you'll have to get your mind around to make this work. So for now, I'll just say, ""Hello, weather,
and make sure we're running it. Notice it's not running, right? Why? Because we haven't done our dunder. You know, if dunder name,
This, and in fact, I'm tired of writing that and you'll be tired of watching me write it.
So let's go over here to the live templates, go to Python here, and we're going to add one of these real quick. Add a live template.
it main, like that. I'm going to define the context, which is anywhere in Python, just to keep it simple.
Now if we go over here and we just type main tab, boom. I don't have to write that again. Cool, cool. Now what we want to do is we want to call these.
You might think, ""Okay, call an API, requests. No, no, no, no, not requests.
does not have an async API. But you know what does something very similar HTTP x, the next
generation of Python client primarily because it lets us write code up here like this. Well,
this one synchronous, but we can do an async version as well. Here like this, where we
we create an async client. So copy that for a second. And let's go write some code. In
order to do asynchronous programming, we need a function that can run asynchronously. So
you might write def get report given, given a URL. And then we would do something like
this, right where we're going to say async with and then a weight client. Well, we don't
have our HTTPS yet. So let's go and add that to the requirements here. And then let's regenerate
the requirements.txt and install it. Notice a lot more things came in. And over here now
we've got all these dependencies, which why is that one there? Well, because of those those two reasons. Excellent, so now it's just a matter
of importing that at the top. Now we can await client get URL while the response like this. So by default, what we get if we call this
is the return value. Does it say here? Yes, and can I get to it without making a go away? Yeah, here we go.
This is a coroutine that returns a response. So the type of this is a coroutine that has not yet started
order to run it, we need to tell Python, like we had those colored slices in the event queue, we need to say here's a slice.
So we're going to now block, you can go do other work, dear Python, while this is running while we're talking to the internet.
When it comes back, please run the code from here on out. One of those is raised for status.
So if there's an error talking to the server, like a 404 or a 500 or timeout, whatever, we'll make sure we don't keep going.
And then we should be done with this, we can say return, not JSON. So we can parse this as JSON. And this here for now is going to be a dictionary.
It could be, and maybe we'll make it, it could be this class up here. Remember this? We'll see about that.
For now, let's just return this just to make sure that we can get something.
So what we want to do is we want to say, let's just take the first URL, and we'll say report. We want to call get report and pass in locations.
Let's just do a zero for now. Well, look at this error here. It says a couple problems along the lines. Don't worry about that.
I don't see PyCharm give us an error. But this for sure is going to be a problem if we try to run it.
For example, async used outside of an async function. So normal functions can't be async.
So anytime you're calling, you're using the async or await keyword that can only be done within the context of an async function.
Now if we run it, we get a warning. But what happened is this generated a co routine, but it didn't call anything on the server.
I'll put like right here, I'll say, print contacting URL. You don't see that.
because that function never ran, it got created with the potential of running, but we never awaited it.
So what we need to do, let's go ahead and make this async_def. We can await this. And then we need to run this here.
So the way we're going to run that is we say async_io, import that, dot run, that coroutine. And it ran, let's go ahead and print report.
Let's just do the forecast. There you go. Look at that. Well, where did we go ahead and print? Print that out so we can see.
We're calling New York City. Okay, and we got that. I guess we could also print out the location. Let's see. It is location. New York City right there.
You can see that that got us the right one back. So that's how it works with async and await. We're going to create an async function
using async def instead of a regular one, which then allows us to use async with or await. And then in order to run it,
It has to either be called from within another async function and awaited, or you can run it as the top level async thing using Excellent.
So that's the first part. Now what do we do to call all of these locations at the same time?