MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Foundations: async
Lecture: Async for Scalability

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0:00 The side of async that's actually super interesting to us as somebody who would be talking to a database
0:07 Potentially with multiple clients multiple connections talking to a database like Mongo is async for scalability
0:14 Now scalability gets thrown around as a buzzword
0:17 It just means more processing more awesome to a lot of people but really specifically it's about being able to add more and more
0:26 Requests to the same system without that system dropping off in terms of performance.
0:32 If I quadruple the number of requests to my system, do I get one quarter or worse of the performance or does it kind of just stay the same?
0:41 It doesn't mean any individual request is going to go any faster, maybe it even goes a tiny bit slower.
0:47 But it's the ability to do many things at the similar speed as we could do one.
0:53 In the context of this course, it's the ability to do many database requests in the relative speed and performance as maybe one request.

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