MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Foundations: Pydantic
Lecture: JSON to Pydantic Converter
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So we've seen that we can write classes that match a JSON document. Then it will parse those using the rules encoded through Pydantic into that class.
What if you already have the JSON? And what if it's complicated? Our little order example was quite simple, so I didn't mind typing it out.
What if you have more ugly, complicated data that you need to work with?
Over here on the left, we have this code generation section, and it shows you ways in which you
you can generate code from this using a CLI tool called data model code generator. Really
cool. Now, we can use this and you can run with it if you like. But let me introduce
you to a website that will do the same thing based on that, that code. JSON to Pydantic
converter. See on the left, we have a foo and a bar baz. It will generate this over
here on the right from Pydantic import base model. Our model is that this is an integer.
That's a string. Very cool, right? Let's try to hit that with our order data here that
we just wrote. So item ID and then I guess we could add in name is Michael. Remember
in JSON, you can't have single quotes. Look what we got over here. Item ID is a string
created date is a string. We could do better than that, couldn't we? So it's not exactly right.
This is detected as a list of strings. And really, that's because we've kind of passed in
failed bad data. So let's let it do like that. float in a string, we can make this optional,
right. But this is a pretty good jumpstart to writing these classes. Okay. Let's go with
something a little bit more complicated here. Let's take this weather service we have over We're at talk Python. This is live real weather.
Let's get the weather in. Let's say, where's that? That's in Portland right now. And notice how yucky this looks in Vivaldi or Chrome as well.
So Firefox to the rescue. There we have nice structured data. Now this is maybe too structured. Let's go to raw data and pretty print it.
And there we go. And look at that. I would say this is just about like heaven. 75 degrees, 44% humidity.
And if you prefer metric, that's 23 degrees Celsius. Over here, pretty print this. Now look at this, it's pretty complicated.
So we've got this weather thing embedded in here, then we've got wind reports and then units and then the forecast and the location
and the rate limiting. So let's go and put that into our JSON to Pydantic model and see what we get. A little more complicated here,
but we've got our weather, which is this section, our wind, which is this section, and notice, integer and float.
Maybe you should upgrade that to an integer, make it a little more obvious. Upgrade that to a float, rather. And finally, you've got your model.
Let's go ahead and just make sure that we can parse all of this, make sure that it works. Go back to PyCharm. Let's call that weather for a second.
Paste all of the code and this will be, let's call it weather model, right? This is the top level model.
It has some weather and wind and notice there's some really interesting aspects here.
So this itself is a pydantic model and the type of this is the pydantic model. So that means we can have hierarchical, structured,
hydronic models parsing and representing this, which guess what, for a document database like MongoDB,
is exactly the type of thing we're trying to model. So let's just go down here and say data equals and go grab our data we got here, like that.
And finally, say report equals weather model of star star data. You want that even more when it's this complicated and then print the weather is now.
And let's run this one. Look at how awesome that is. Weather is, now we have our member, this weather.
The weather is this weather object with broken clouds and category cloud and the wind is like this. Remember, even if this was off like that,
when we run it again, it's still gonna parse it, not because of the top level model, but because of the nested model into a float.
And there you have it, right? You could just print out the forecast if you want just the forecast, right? Use that hierarchy to get just the pieces
we're looking for. Excellent, excellent. So if you have complicated data, look and you already have it as JSON,
you can go to the converter or use the CLI tool down here to run it with the input and the schema and so on.
All right, however you want, you can start with your data and generate these Pythonic models right away.