MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Document Databases
Lecture: Mongo Shell
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In this chapter where we talk about the native tools and the native query syntax, we're going to use the Mongo shell for some of these examples.
So this is the mongosh or mongosh command that I had you install in the setup chapter.
Now in order to use it, we would just type mongosh or mongosh and it opens up.
If you type just by default, it's going to connect on localhost on the default port and all of those things.
You can also, of course, connect to remote servers with the right command line arguments. You would say, ""Use your database.
So you connect in this way, in this case, ""Use training. If you're not sure what the databases are called, you can always say, ""Show DBs,"" and
it'll list them out. Then you can say, ""Use one of them. And then you write queries about the data in there.
So ""Find"" is basically the ""Select"" type of statement. do, the way it works is you say DB, always always DB, this is directed at whatever the
active database that we set in the line above. And then you talk about the collections and
then find so we have a collections collection called courses. And then we want to find documents
inside the courses collection. So use this kind of dynamic programming style, db dot
courses dot find. And then what you pass defined is interesting, you pass a prototypical JSON
object. So in this case, we say we want to find the one where the ID underscore ID, the primary
key is 30. And you can see the result that we got back, obviously matches that. But if you pass
multiple things, we could say the ID is such and such. And it has, let's say, a display order of
five, that would be an and statement, there's ways to do ors as well. But the more pieces you put in
here the more specific that query becomes if you're not querying by the primary key.
We say the find, and normally you would get a, what would look like a minified result of JSON back, which is not the most amazing.
So if we throw this dot pretty on the end, we get this nice expanded good looking result set that is much easier on the eyes.