MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setting Up Your Computer
Lecture: Verifying the Data with Studio 3T

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0:00 Now that we think we have our data installed, let's go ahead and connect Studio 3T and just have a look and see what's in there, okay?
0:08 Also, you can go ahead and completely delete that folder and download of the import data.
0:13 It's copied somewhere else in MongoDB's internal WiredTiger format, most likely. So if you have installed Studio 3T, fire it up.
0:23 Now I have some older connections for various things hanging around.
0:27 let's just start from scratch, assuming you have none, you could paste your connection string here,
0:33 or you could use the GUI, I'm just going to say use the GUI. And let's give it a name, we'll just
0:38 call it local. And I'm gonna call it local to because I already have a local, but you just call
0:43 it local. And it's going to be a standalone connection type to the default MongoDB on
0:49 localhost. None of these other things need to be messed with in this simple early version,
0:53 when we get to deployment, we're going to need to look at these other pieces. So hit test looks like
0:59 it's all going again, you must have MongoDB running for the import of your data as well as
1:05 this here. Hit Save. And then let's connect. Over here, you can see there's a bunch of databases
1:12 can ignore most of them. These are operational databases for talk Python and Python bytes and
1:17 and various things. This one comes, these here come with MongoDB. But see this PyPI,
1:26 that is the one that we're looking at. So we got our packages, and we got our releases,
1:29 and we got our users, you can double click it to see what is in here. It says there's
1:35 a bunch of data. So it looks like you've got some data in here, you can also see how many
1:41 packages there are you could type dot count, run it again. 4892 packages imported there
1:50 and so on. Alright, we'll talk more about this query syntax and so on. But want to make
1:56 sure you get connected and that you see a PyPI database with three collections. Remember
2:02 collections are what MongoDB would call a database table. Because it's not necessarily
2:08 tabular, they have a different name collections. Yeah, and also you can just hover over these
2:13 and get stats about how many items are in there. For example, packages can just hover
2:18 over it and see there are 4892 that got imported. Excellent. So it looks like we've got all
2:25 of our data imported, and we've connected our GUI tool to work with it.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon