MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setting Up Your Computer
Lecture: Setup Introduction
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It's time to get started with MongoDB. Now, some of my courses, I don't bother to put a detailed setup chapter together
because usually it's find a Python editor and start writing code. But with this one, there are a lot of moving parts in terms of tools,
none of them particularly hard to get or to set up, but you just need them in place.
So in this chapter, we're going to work through the various things that you need and how to get them set up on your platform. Let's go.
First of all, does it surprise you that for a Python plus MongoDB course, you're gonna need Python? Of course not.
But you do need a modern enough version of Python. Now, in terms of the core features, for the most part,
we'll not really be doing anything beyond Python 3.6. However, there will be a few times we'll use Type-Ints, I'm sure,
type hints were greatly improved, I think in 3.9. So let's just go ahead and make sure that you have
the latest version. Instead of walking you through that, I put together a detailed article here
at Go over there and check it out. No matter what
your OS is, it will walk you through the steps needed to see if you have Python, check out your
version. Hopefully you're using Python 311 or greater for this course, and then we'll be
exactly level because that's what we're going to be using. You're going to need to get some
data files and setup scripts ahead of time before you can import the data and start using it.
We're using a well known data source, the PyPI data, and I've structured that in a special way
you can import into MongoDB and that we can use. So make sure that you go to the GitHub repository,
a URL here at the bottom and star it and consider forking it as well and check it out, clone it.
If you're not into Git, if you don't do Git, no problem, don't worry about it. Just click that
green code button and there's a download it as a zip file too. So however you get it, just make
sure you grab it here so that you have these files to work with. Right now at the beginning of this
course, it doesn't have all the code we've written because I haven't written it yet. We're doing that
live, but when we do write that code, you'll see that it'll show up here as well.