MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setting Up Your Computer
Lecture: Setup Introduction

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0:00 It's time to get started with MongoDB. Now, some of my courses, I don't bother to put a detailed setup chapter together
0:10 because usually it's find a Python editor and start writing code. But with this one, there are a lot of moving parts in terms of tools,
0:19 none of them particularly hard to get or to set up, but you just need them in place.
0:24 So in this chapter, we're going to work through the various things that you need and how to get them set up on your platform. Let's go.
0:33 First of all, does it surprise you that for a Python plus MongoDB course, you're gonna need Python? Of course not.
0:41 But you do need a modern enough version of Python. Now, in terms of the core features, for the most part,
0:49 we'll not really be doing anything beyond Python 3.6. However, there will be a few times we'll use Type-Ints, I'm sure,
0:57 type hints were greatly improved, I think in 3.9. So let's just go ahead and make sure that you have
1:04 the latest version. Instead of walking you through that, I put together a detailed article here
1:10 at Go over there and check it out. No matter what
1:15 your OS is, it will walk you through the steps needed to see if you have Python, check out your
1:20 version. Hopefully you're using Python 311 or greater for this course, and then we'll be
1:26 exactly level because that's what we're going to be using. You're going to need to get some
1:32 data files and setup scripts ahead of time before you can import the data and start using it.
1:38 We're using a well known data source, the PyPI data, and I've structured that in a special way
1:44 you can import into MongoDB and that we can use. So make sure that you go to the GitHub repository,
1:50 a URL here at the bottom and star it and consider forking it as well and check it out, clone it.
1:57 If you're not into Git, if you don't do Git, no problem, don't worry about it. Just click that
2:02 green code button and there's a download it as a zip file too. So however you get it, just make
2:07 sure you grab it here so that you have these files to work with. Right now at the beginning of this
2:12 course, it doesn't have all the code we've written because I haven't written it yet. We're doing that
2:16 live, but when we do write that code, you'll see that it'll show up here as well.

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