MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: Course Topics
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What are we going to cover in this course? Well, we're going to have an introductory chapter that tells you about everything like this.
You are here. You know what that's about. We're going to talk about what are document databases and how do they work in general,
as well as a technical overview of some of the MongoDB internals, how it works,
how does it allow you to query things that are nested deep within some kind of document, as we just saw. We're going to do a few foundational topics.
And we saw these important building blocks, asyncio, Pydantic and so on. So we're going to have a few chapters that make sure you
really understand those super well, because they're an important part to making all of this fit together. First one of those is Pydantic.
Then we're going to do asyncio as well. Then we'll take a couple passes about building with and learning about Beanie.
We're going to do a Beanie quick start. Like what is the simple, minimal application and that we can get set up to just see all the moving parts
and how it works. And then we're gonna look at modeling a cool, well-known place, well-known dataset with documents
or how that might look and what is the difference of modeling if you have a relational database and you're aiming for third normal form
and foreign key constraints and all of that? Well, how does that change in a document database? We'll talk about that.
Speaking of a realistic data source, We're going to model the PyPI data, so with packages and releases and maintainers and users, all of that.
We're gonna model that with Beanie and Pydantic classes. And then we're gonna take that classes and the Beanie interaction that we've already created
with the queries and collections and all that. And we're gonna plug that into FastAPI and give us a really cool example of,
Well, here's an end to end API talking about this pi pi data that we've modeled, but also
how does it fit into a web framework, especially one that's pedantic friendly, let's say, when
I told you that MongoDB was fast, there was a couple of techniques that I had in mind, because it's not always fast out of the box.
If you just throw a bunch of data in it, and you start doing queries, you might be really
disappointed, could be really, really slow for a whole bunch of reasons.
So we're going to look at all the ways and knobs that we can turn, as well as programming
techniques we can apply to make MongoDB go from who knows, maybe a one second response
time to a 10 millisecond response time, you know, 100 times faster, maybe even 1000, who knows.
And finally, we'll talk a little bit about how do you deploy and host MongoDB.
There are database as a service or MongoDB as a service places that you can use.
And if you want to use them, great, you're kind of don't need this chapter.
But many people don't want to put their data in the cloud or for various operational reasons
or even pricing reasons, you might decide to deploy it differently.
So if you want to self host MongoDB, either internally or in the cloud next year apps, we'll see how to do that.
And finally, in the performance section, we made our code faster, kind of in isolation, It would be cool to see, well, how fast is our API overall?
So we're going to do some cool load testing on not just MongoDB itself or Beanie queries
themselves, but the entire system that we built to wrap up the class using a really cool load testing framework called Locust. That's it.
I'm really excited about these topics I put together for you. I think it's going to be a really fun sequence and you're going to learn a ton.