Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Let's build an app
Lecture: Cross platform Python applications

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0:00 In this chapter, we took an existing Python application, and we turn it into an executable application that we can send to someone who doesn't
0:10 even have Python installed. It happened to be a gui application, but it might as well be a CLI terminal application.
0:18 If you want to build GUI application from scratch and, you know that you wanted to work on multiple operating systems?
0:25 There are two other solutions that you can use. There is Kivy, and there is beeware.
0:31 They both let you build Python applications for different desktop and mobile operating systems. kivy uses their own widget styling,
0:39 and beeware uses the native elements. So an interface built with kivi
0:46 we will look similar on different operating systems and then interface build with Beeware will look
0:53 more native. That is, it will use the typical Windows style of buttons or select boxes on Windows and Mac Os styles of macOS.
1:03 Check them out if you're thinking about building a cross platform application with Python,
1:07 although don't expect that they will work flawlessly Python is still not the best choice to
1:13 build. Let's say android or iPhone applications and choosing different tools like react native is probably a much better idea.

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