Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Let's build a package
Lecture: Add tests
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Let's go and add some tests. Here We have the test file with some tests that were created with the cookie cutter
template, so we can actually remove all of that. And let's go back to the old project and we can copy the test from here
We have to change a few things because we use the different file names. So from the CLI we import the main function and from the helpers we import the
rest. important, but unused. Okay, we'll use it in a moment. So let's search for the check function because we renamed it. Not check. Let me check.
Okay, this is how we call it, so we no longer have a check function. We have a main function and here as well, and I think we should be ready to go.
Let's go back to the terminal and let's run pytest and nothing happened because we
actually don't have pytest install, So pytest is installed in this file, but we never actually installed it.
First, let's remove this old version of pip because it's way too old and let's
try to install those packages, make sure you are inside the virtual environment and we
have some version conflicts. pytest mock requires pytest higher than five. But I have pytest 4 specified somewhere.
What we can do is to change the version in this file. But a much better idea is to actually repin all those dependencies to the latest version
So, let me quickly do that. We are going to remove all those versions here, and I'm going to rename this file to
And now I am going to quickly install pip-tools and run it so it pins the dependencies. And now we have the requirements_dev.txt with all the
dependency versions pinned. So, now we can tell pip to use this file, no more
errors, and we get the additional benefit that we use the latest version of our packages. Now we should be able to run pytest.
Great. So all nine tests are passing, but we got some warning here. Unknown config option: collect_ignore. If we search for this configuration option,
you can see that in the setup.cfg We're using some configuration option that it's probably no longer supported,
so, you can either check what it's doing and may be update it, or you can simply remove it. And this will make the warning go away.
Great. So we have all the tests passing, and now let's actually work on the documentation.