Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Let's build a package
Lecture: Remove unnecessary files
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This cookie cutter template has created a lot of files here, so let's quickly go through them, and remove those that we don't necessarily need.
So let's open VSCode and let's go through them one by one. So, first we have the editor config.
This is actually useful because it will set up a configuration file, no matter what Editor you're using. So if you have VIM or emacs or VSCode,
they will all respect this configuration file. Then we have gitignore with a lot of Python specific files, which is good. Then we have Travis yml.
I'm not planning to use Travis, so I can remove this file. We have a file where we can list all the AUTHORS. I'm going to leave it for now.
Then we have a contributing guide that explains how different people can contribute to this project So if they want to report a bug report,
they can goto GitHub Repository. That doesn't actually even exist. But we can always create it later.
And here are all the steps that people should do when they want to submit a pull request. This is actually very useful file.
Let's leave it. History is a file where you specify all the changes that happened in each release. So again,
another useful file, license since we created the MIT license. This is the whole text of it. Here, We have to MakeFile. That looks a bit complicated,
but actually it contains the typical stuff. So when we run maketest, we're gonna run pytest. When we run,
make test-all. We gonna run tox that will test our package under different versions of Python, flake 8 set as our linter,
we can remove some test files, Some compiled Python files and stuff like that. So, it's actually pretty useful file.
If you're following this video, I suggest you take a look and see what useful
commands you can find here. Then we have the manifest file that will be useful when we'll be building the Python package.
Typical. README with some badges from Travis from pypi and stuff like that
requirements_dev, So, here we have the requirements that I will use as a developer Not necessary the final requirements of the end user of the package.
So, for example, I have pytest here, but If people want to use my uptimer, I don't expect them to install pytest.
Then we have a setup.cfg with some configuration and which is the main file of the Python package.
Although now there are more and more projects that they're using. pyproject.toml also might be replaced in the future
but for now, this is the file that will be using. So, those are the requirements for the end user of our package.
So, whenever people want to install uptimer from pypi, they will also have to install everything that you specify in this list.
And finally we have the tox.ini file where we specify all the tox settings So here we say that our project should support Python 3.5,6,7 and 8.
Apart from that, we have some folders here, so let's go from the uptimer. So, here we have the init file that tells Python that,
This is a package, the CLI file where we can specify the CLI commands and the actual uptimer that should contain the main code of our project.
Next we have test folder. So again, the init file and some examples of fixteures and tests and actually here we have the
example of how to test cli cli application. So that's actually pretty useful boilerplate code.
Next, we have the docs folder, so we don't have to generate this sphinx documentation from scratch. As you can see,
there is a lot of things going on here, so we would have to go and modify all those files. But I will leave that for the end.
We have a folder with the VSCode settings that was just created. And finally, we have the .github folder that contains the issue template.
So this is a template file written in markdown that will be used when someone wants to create a new issue in your github repository for this project.
So, again, this is a very useful file when you want to give people a skeleton of, how they should document the issue with your code.
Otherwise, people will just write whatever comes to their mind like it doesn't work, fix it or whatever. Here,
atleast we tell them to specify which version of the package they are using. What's there Python version was the operating system and stuff like that.
So, again, very useful stuff. So apart from removing this travis yml file, the rest of the files can stay.