Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Documentation
Lecture: REST API documentation
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Now a days, a lot of projects are built based on micro services, so there is a chance that at some point in your career you will be building
a rest API, rest API supports a set of standard http request. For example, you can send a get request to get a list of users.
You can send the post request to create a new user or delete request. to delete that user, when you are building a rest API.
You can use a tool like swagger or re doc that will automatically generate a documentation for your rest endpoints. So in your code,
you just write the get post, put, delete and so on methods and those tools will automatically create a page that list those end points.
Let's see an example. So if you go to the swagger UI website there is a live demo page, and this is how the restAPI documentation could look
for your project. So all those things here are end points where you can send the rest request, and here you can see what parameters are required,
what are optional? What are the response calls, and so on? There is even an option to try it out. So you can add it this,
Json, and then execute the query. And here we have the response. It's the same with Redoc. We have the same example of pet store,
and here we can see the same thing. So documentation about the parameters, example
Json that we can send to our rest endpoint and the responses that we can get back, If you don't know what rest api is all that might look
confusing. But when you actually build one, those tools will be super useful.
For example, if you are working with some front end developers who are using react or vue Js and they want to see how they could get data from the
backend, you can just point them to those you or else, and they will be able to see all the documentation for themselves.
Some frameworks, like FastAPI, include those tools by default. So when you build a FastAPI application, you can go to this /docs, URL.
And then you will see the rest API documentation generated for you and the same with reDoc, with other frameworks like Django rest framework,
you can install them as a plugin, for me It's super convenient to use a tool like that, because each time I change something in
my code, all this documentation will be automatically generated for me.