Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Documentation
Lecture: MkDocs
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But what if you don't want to use sphinx? Maybe you don't like the restructure text formatter.
You're looking for something else. So another popular tool to manage documentation is called
mkdocs. Okay. mkdocs is using markdown format and similar to sphinx, It has a configuration file, but this time in the YAML format.
Otherwise it works very similar to how sphinx, works. So first you have to install it with pip.
Then you have to generate the new mkdocs project and inside you just create markdown files with documentation for your project.
Then you just need to run mkdocs serve command, and this will generate the documentation. You can go to the local host. URL to see this in the browser.
What I really like about mkdocs is how the search feature works. It's very easy and fast to find whatever you're looking for,
you can also customize it and use a different theme if you like. And if you want to publish your documentation somewhere,
read. The docs also support mkdocs.