Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Testing code
Lecture: Converting unittest test to pytest
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If we go to the unit test documentation, we can see a basic example. Let's try to write the same test, but this time using pytest.
So, let me copy this for the reference. Let's name a test_string_methods. And now let's create a second file. And let's name it pytest_example,
Let's move it to the right side, so we can see both files on the same time. Perfect. So first,
instead of importing unit test, we're going to import pytest. Since this is a third party library,
we have to install it with pip, before we can actually use it. So let's actually do this before we forget.
First, let's activate the virtualenvwrapper and let's create a virtual environment that we're
going to use. Next, let's install pytest and let's tell VSCode to use this virtual environment with pytest.
Otherwise, we're going to get this problem with the import, not this thing. So here, that's search for pytest. Well,
there is none. so let's reload the window that way. VSCode will pick up any new virtual environments that we have created.
And as you can see, here we have the pytest chapter, virtual environment that we just created.
We select this and even though we still get this unresolved import, it comes from the Python language server. so we can ignore it for now.
Okay, so we have pytest, and now we could create a class to group all our tests together. But with pytest, it's not necessary. In case of a unit test,
you always have to create a class that inherits from this unittest.TestCase. And then you have to create functions inside, with pytest,
All you have to do to create a test, is to write a function that starts with a word test inside the file that starts with a test prefix,
and pytest will automatically detect all those as best cases. And if you don't like this convention,
you can use whatever name you like and then you just change the pytest configuration to tell pytest how you're naming your tests,
so I'm not going to create a class. Let's start with the first function. And now we have next difference between unit test and pytest.
Unit test, has a lot of different assertions. If you want to check that something is true, you have to use assertTrue.
If you want to check that something is false, you have to use assertFalse. If you want to check that two values are equal,
you have asserEqual and so on. You can go to the unit test documentation to see the list of all the available assertions. On the other hand,
with pytest, we only have a simple assert, assert takes an expression, evaluates it and checks if the return value is true.
So if pytest, if you want to compare that something is equal to something else, we just right assert 'foo'.upper() == 'FOO',
Next, we have a test for its upper. If you want to assert that something is true or false, all you have to do is to,
run assert something is true or assert something is false. We're getting those warnings because Flake 8 is expecting two blank lines.
So, let's actually format our file with black, and that is fine. We still get this warning from Flake 8 because we imported
pytest, but we're not using it. Don't worry, we'll actually use it in the next test,
and then the Python language server is still complaining that the import is unresolved, but well this we can ignore. And now we have the final test.
One thing that we can't do with the simple assert statement is to assert.
That exception was raised. We can't do aseert type error because this is going to give us a syntax error. So, instead we have to call pytest.raises().
And that's how we can check that, An exception was raised and again with pytest,
We don't have to write this, because pytest will automatically detect that those are our test functions and it will call them.