Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Managing Python project
Lecture: Medium projects

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0:00 As you add more features to your project, the single Python file starts growing, so, at some point you will have to split it into separate files.
0:10 You might still use one main file, but you move all the helper functions into separate files, and store them inside the folder
0:17 like here. Or maybe you move all the Python files inside one folder like here on the right, although as the number of test grows,
0:25 you will probably split your tests into separate files, and move them inside the folder called
0:30 tests. So, now you're Project looks more like one of those two options. They're both quite similar, so let's discuss the project structure on the left.
0:39 Now we have two new folders, medium and tests, medium contains all additional Python files.
0:46 You will usually name this folder in the same way as the name of your application
0:49 So, if my application is called medium, because this is a medium sized project, then this folder is also called Medium.
0:57 We still have a file that we used to start our application but this imports additional functions from files inside the medium directory
1:08 I have also moved all the tests inside the directory called tests. And here I have split all the tests into separate files,
1:16 depending on what they are testing. As you can see, we have a nice separation.
1:21 We have the main folder that contains our main Python file and all the additional
1:26 files for our project. We have the medium folder that contains all Python files related
1:32 to our application and finally, tests that contain all the tests. Everything has its own place.

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