Modern Python Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Python versions and packages
Lecture: Bonus: is there pyenv for nodejs, go, etc.?

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0:00 If you're using other programming languages, you might be happy to hear that there are similar tools to pyenv, and for those languages, for example,
0:09 there is nodenv. That you can use to easily switch different node versions there is Go. And if that you can use if you're using Go lang.
0:18 and there are other tools for other languages as well. All of them work in a very similar way as pyenv. And if you're using really a,
0:26 lot of programming languages, there is a tool called asdf-vm and you can use it to replace all those different separate tools, so you don't
0:35 have to install, node and pyenv and goenv, and you can just install this one,
0:40 and you can use it to manage different versions of different programming languages.

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