Managing Python Dependencies Transcripts
Chapter: Isolating Dependencies With Virtual Environments
Lecture: Recap and Summary

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0:01 Congratulations on completing the virtual environments module in the course. Here is what you covered. You learned what virtual environments are,
0:09 you learned how to create and activate them, you learned how to install packages into a virtual environment. And you've also learned how to deactivate
0:17 and even destroy a virtual environment. And last, I showed you some tricks on how you can optimize your virtual environment workflow
0:25 and make it a little bit more efficient. In the last few lectures you learned about virtual environments
0:29 and how they can help you keep your project dependencies under control. Virtual environments help keep your project dependencies isolated
0:38 so that you can avoid version conflicts between packages and different versions of the Python runtime.
0:44 So in a nutshell, a virtual environment allows you to use different versions of the same package,
0:49 and different versions of Python depending on a project that you're working on. And as a best practice, all of your Python projects
0:58 should use virtual environments to store their dependencies.

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