Managing Python Dependencies Transcripts
Chapter: Managing Third-Party Dependencies With pip
Lecture: pip: The Python Package Manager

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0:01 The recommended package manager for Python is called pip. Now, before I go into a little bit more detail on pip,
0:08 I want to explain to you first what packages in Python are. I am going to use the following definition here.
0:14 So a package is a bundle of software, to be installed into a Python environment.
0:19 And typically, this would include things like third party libraries and frameworks. And I am sure you've heard about some of those, for example,
0:27 Django would be a popular package in the Python world, and so would be Requests, the HTTP download library.
0:34 And then, there is Numpy, another very popular package that includes tons of different libraries and frameworks for number crunching and data science.
0:43 Time to talk about pip, the Python package manager. Pip comes with any modern Python install,
0:49 it's included by default with the rest of the Python standard library and things like the Python interpreter,
0:57 pip's main interface is a command line tool, also called pip. I am going to show you how to access pip from the command line now.
1:04 I am in my terminal here, and now I am going to run a quick version check on pip, alright, you can see here that it tells
1:13 me exactly which version of pip I've got installed, and it also tells me where this version of pip lives right now.
1:20 So, here I am running Python 3.6 on macOS and pip tells me that it's using this install with the Python 3.6 site packages directory.
1:30 Pip's command line interface also has a help command. Running the help command will show you all of the available subcommands
1:39 you can use with pip and you are going to learn how to use the most important pip commands here in the course.

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