Managing Python Dependencies Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: Welcome to the Course and What We'll Cover

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0:01 Welcome to managing Python dependencies with pip and virtual environments. Dependency management and managing third party Python packages
0:11 is a super important topic for any professional Python developer. In my experience, even if you begin with a simple question
0:20 like how do I install a third party Python package, you can quickly go down a rabbit hole of other tools
0:26 and new questions that pop up, and it can quickly get overwhelming. This course will be your one-stop shop
0:33 for becoming proficient at dependency management with Python. Let's take a look at the course goals.
0:39 By the end of the course, you will know how to install, use and manage third party Python packages with the pip package manager;
0:50 you will know how to isolate your project dependencies with so called virtual environments;
0:56 you will know a complete workflow for finding and identifying quality third party packages that you can use in your own Python projects.
1:05 You will also know how to set up repeatable development environments and application deployments with a complete workflow
1:11 for that using requirements files. If you're wondering who the disembodied voice inside your computer is,
1:20 hey that is me, Dan Bader, I am a complete Python nut and I would love to help you improve your Python skills.
1:28 I started writing code when I was eight years old and was hacking away on my Commodore 64, and I never stopped since.
1:35 Programming is a complete passion for me and I eventually got a bachelor's and master's degree in computer science.
1:41 I worked in full time positions for a few years, first as a software engineer, and then later as a lead developer
1:47 and today I am an independent software developer and consultant, I run a number of Python projects and I've also been a speaker
1:54 at various conferences around the world. If you want some more Python learning resources, check out my website at
2:02 I've got tons more tutorials and videos that will help you master Python. Alright, enough about me, let's take a look at the course curriculum.
2:09 Right now, you're in the first module on the course "The welcome and course overview" module. Every time I show you the course curriculum,
2:19 I will always highlight in bold text where you are at the moment. So next up you'll dive into "Managing third party dependencies with Pip"
2:27 and then after that, you'll learn how to isolate your project dependencies with virtual environments.
2:34 In the fourth module, you'll learn a complete workflow for finding and researching quality Python packages.
2:40 Next, you'll learn how to set up reproducible environment and application deploys. And finally, in the sixth module
2:49 there will be the course conclusion and a quick recap. That's the course curriculum. Now, this will be a really practical course,
2:58 in each module you'll encounter a mixture of slight base presentations
3:02 and hands on life demos, so you can see and follow along with the exact workflows that I used to research and find Python packages
3:11 or to manage dependencies in my own Python projects. Well, congratulations, you've just completed the first module in the course.
3:21 Time to jump in and learn about managing third party dependencies with pip.

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