Getting started with Dask Transcripts
Chapter: Conclusion
Lecture: Thanks and goodbye

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0:00 Thank you, Michal. Finally, to end on a few different notes here. First, Dask isn't one library, it's actually dozens of libraries, all work together.
0:10 All of these libraries are maintained by hundreds of different individuals, like yourself, spread around the
0:15 world, working at many different institutions on many different projects. Go to the organization.
0:22 You'll find lots of information about the Dask developer community. You might also want to look at the Dask documentation.
0:30 This is at and there's tons of information here if you want to dive more deeply and see the capabilities that are now available to you.
0:40 I also highly recommend looking at This website contains dozens of fully worked examples in many different domains.
0:50 You may find something here that speaks much more to your workloads than the exercises we've just gone through. Additionally, all of these exercises,
0:57 you can run yourself by clicking the launch binder button, to be taken into a notebook running on the cloud where you can run Dask
1:04 yourself. Again, on some of these different and maybe more exciting or more relevant applications
1:10 for you. Our next course is going to be about the fundamentals of Dask, we've
1:14 touched today here just on Dask to scale out Pandas workloads with Dask DataFrame, in
1:20 a very simple way, but there's a lot more to Dask. As we've mentioned before,
1:25 at the beginning of the series, Dask is used inside of many different libraries. Some of them are built into Dask, things like Dask DataFrame,
1:33 which we've just seen. Dask Array for parallel NumPy, Dask Delayed for parallelizing general purpose Python code.
1:41 Dask Bag for dealing with more JSON or text data, as well as things like Dask-ML for machine learning. We'll also get into using Dask in the cloud and
1:50 figure out how to deploy these workloads at scale. So that's it. Again, thank you all for your time,
1:56 we look forward to seeing you in our next session. Cheers!

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