Getting started with Dask Transcripts
Chapter: Setup to follow along
Lecture: Clone the notebook repository

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0:00 We will start the set up by cloning either your own fork of the course repository
0:05 or the original course repository. Go to your terminal and type git clone, paste
0:10 the course repository link and hit enter. This will quickly download the cloned copy onto your
0:16 Dask. Then we just need to change directory into the course directory, where you will find an environment.yml
0:24 file which has the conda environment specification. To install that environment, we only need to type conda env create, to create a
0:33 new environment, and specify the file from which the instructions come. So in in our case that's environment.yml.
0:42 Let's launch that. This triggers the set up process. This can take a few minutes so we'll skip through that part and see you on the other side.

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