Introduction to Ansible Transcripts
Chapter: Configuring Servers
Lecture: Our New Inventory File

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0:00 With these two servers ready to go now we can create our inventory file. Copy the IP address of the web server go back over to the command line.
0:10 Create the hosts file, this in the base directory of the project. We're going to have four roles here. The first one will be init_config.
0:16 This will just be for getting our deployer and deployers groups set up. Then we'll have a common role for any
0:22 tasks that we want to execute on every server. Our web server. And database. For each one of these, we need to specify an IP address.
0:30 The first one is And since we're using Ubuntu 18.04 we want to specify the ansible_Python_interpreter
0:40 so it's explicitly going to be Python 3. And then we have our second server. Now we can copy these down into common.
0:57 And then 128 is our web server and 59 is our database server. Now we're all set with our inventory file
1:03 and we can get started writing our roles for this playbook.

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