Introduction to Ansible Transcripts
Chapter: Configuring Servers
Lecture: Provisioning Two Servers

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0:00 To provision the two servers that we need log in to your DigitalOcean account. You get to the account dashboard and now we can create two new servers.
0:08 So go up to create, droplets, and we'll just manually create a couple of them ourselves. You're going to want to choose 18.04
0:16 that'll be the latest long-term support release. One gigabyte is fine for us. Just scroll down and add an SSH key.
0:26 Now, you could use the existing SSH key. We're going to add the SSH key that we just created. So go back to the command line
0:34 and take a look at Copy and paste this. Copy, and we'll paste this in. Ah, and here we go. We can do two droplets.
0:54 And we'll give them custom names. And click create. Give it a couple minutes. Awesome, now we've got our two servers.

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