HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 2: Active search
Lecture: Django Q objects
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Before I start writing the view, a quick summary of Django QObjects in case they're not fresh in your mind.
A QObject is a way of creating queries that are more complex than what you can do with the filter method all on its own.
The top example here shows two QObjects ANDed together. Each QObject is created using the same kind of arguments you would put in a call to filter.
by ending a cue with title and another with author, I'm creating the same result as putting those both in a filter. To run the cue or a composed cue,
you simply pass it into the filter call. This kind of mechanism can be really helpful if you're trying to create dynamic clauses to queries
that have differing numbers of terms based on some business logic. My most common use of these is actually simpler than that though.
I use it when I need to OR terms together instead of ANDing them. The example at the bottom here does that.
Here, videos with the title Indie or the author Romaine will be found in the results. Momentarily, I'll use QObjects to search our videos
in the search view. Let's go write some code.