HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 1: Click-to-edit
Lecture: Adding the form to the template
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I'm going to start with a template first, then add the code afterwards. As the form goes on the category page, that means editing category.html.
I'm not going to make you watch me type out the whole thing. I'll just paste it from a pre-prepared buffer.
If you're not a Bootstrap person, the first three lines here look kinda messy.
Bootstrap has a grid-based layout system, and these three lines are establishing where
the grid goes on the page, and then where the form ends up in the grid. The grid is 12 columns wide.
I'm making the form 4 columns wide, and putting it in the middle of the grid.
The form itself has some fancy class stuff to make it a little more pretty.
And if you're wondering why I'm not using a form object to render, it's because I've got extra styling here from Bootstrap.
Yes, there are ways of doing that in Django, but I prefer to show you exactly what's going on in the HTML instead.
The post URL for the form is being looked up using Django's URL tag, and is going to the already existing view for the category page.
I'll add the post handling to that view in a moment. Inside the form, I've got four input tags, each styled with Bootstrap's form control class,
'cause base HTML is ugly. And of course, at the bottom here, a button to submit the form. That's the form. Let's go modify the view.