HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Surveying the non-JS-enabled Django app
Lecture: Tour of the code

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0:00 Let's look at some of the project details. I'll start inside the configuration area with There are a few changes from the default.
0:21 As you've grabbed the code from GitHub, these changes have been done for you already. You don't need to do anything.
0:27 First off is my content app where all the business logic is that's been added to installed apps
0:33 And the common templates directory that I'm using has been added to the templates configuration
0:42 I also had to add static files dirs here so Django knows about the directory where I'm keeping all my static files
0:57 That's pretty much all the changes for Nothing too drastic. Let's look at the routes.
1:07 As you would expect, there are four paths in addition to the default admin,
1:14 one for each of the four pages in the project. Home, Category, Play, and Feed.
1:21 The ""Category"" and ""Play Video"" URLs take arguments. For the category, it's the name of the category.
1:29 For play, it's the Django ID of the video object.
1:33 I've already guided you through the code for the app, so there isn't much to see here that you haven't seen already.
1:41 The usual models and view files, and an embarrassingly empty So that's the grand tour. Make sure to get everything set up and going,
1:51 test that you can visit your site before continuing on, and from here you'll be modifying the code with the HTMX goodness you came for.

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