HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Exploring the examples on
Lecture: HTMX examples with Michael

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0:00 Welcome to chapter two. In this chapter, we're going to explore a bunch of pre-built, pre-canned examples on Htmx is a technology that is
0:13 fairly unlike what you are used to. We're familiar with JavaScript that calls stuff
0:19 on the server. We're familiar with server-side code that generates HTML that
0:23 then returns to the browser. But what is unusual is this partial exchange where
0:29 some of the stuff, most of the stuff is generated on the server. And then a little tiny bit of
0:34 interactive HTMX attributes triggers more stuff to be generated on the server, and then maybe
0:40 applies a CSS transition to it. So what we're going to do is explore four examples on,
0:47 where there's actually a little cool debug, network traffic analyzer. After that, you'll
0:52 have a real good sense of both what HTMX is doing to make its magic happen, but still leverages the
0:59 the server side, as well as the broad list of all the examples up there.
1:03 You'll see there are many to give you a sense of just what HTMX can do when you combine all of those together.

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