Getting started with pytest Transcripts
Chapter: Markers
Lecture: Skipping tests conditionally with pytest.mark.skipif
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Now let's say I've decided that this sorting and the less than I'm not going to support it now, but I'm gonna sort it support it in version two.
So right now the cards version is 1.0.1. And I'm gonna I think that the next major version will support this sorting for.
I don't know, I'll come up with a reason why we need to go ahead and copy this into a test skip if but I want to show you what we're
going to use to compare the version. See the version string is just a string. It's like 1.0.1. Let's take a look at it.
It's in the init and it's just this string. So I want to compare the version to say that this major version is less if
it's two or if it's less than two, then I want to skip these tests. That's the comparison I want to do to get at that.
I'm going to use something from packaging. So it's the parse function from packaging.version. And packaging is a third party installed.
You have to do. So you're gonna have to do pip install packaging to use this. But I want to show this to I've already got it installed.
I want to show it because it's really pretty cool and I've used it in a couple of projects. How it works is it's probably got a bunch of stuff
in there. But what I use it for is to pull out the major minor and micro versions so that I can see those and I have this test put together
I've got a print so that we can see it. And I'm just asserting that if I put it all back together the major minor micro
with dots it will equal the version that we had before. So let's go ahead and run that just to see how the packaging version parse works
So pytest -S test, skip if. Major is one minor. Zero micro is one and I'm pretty sure that test passed the packaging.
Yes it passed. Let's just leave that in place while we're playing with the rest Now now that I have that ability to parse that out I can say give
this a condition. So instead of skip I'll say skip if and then the first thing that skip if wants is a condition and I'm going to give it this
say that this parse command. If this is the object that gets passed back I'm
just gonna look at the major and if that's less than two then we'll go over Go ahead and say sort not supported on version one x.
And then we can do the let's go ahead and just copy that. It's gonna be a little so less than not supported.
So now we have skip ifs instead of skips and we were skips before let's run
it again. And less than and support not supported on version 1.x wonderful so that's how skipif works.