Getting started with pytest Transcripts
Chapter: Parametrization
Lecture: Parametrizing functions with two parameters
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Now finally let's take a look at function parameterIzation. So we're gonna take this one test that let's fix that so that actually passes
if we try to run it again. That starts against done. So we'll take this test and turn it into a function
parameterIzation instead. So it's this is not too hard it just doesn't give us the detail and the information we want.
So it's still we're just still gonna do one test but we're gonna parameterize it the right way. First off we need to import pytest and then we will
decorate it with pytest mark, parameterize and then we have to give it a list of things we're parameterizing
So in this case we've got both the summary and the state that are different So we'll pass in both those summary state and it's the starting summary in
the starting state. We could specify that or we could just leave like this I think this is fine. So for each of those we're gonna have a list of
a set of those. So a list of we've got the list and this will be For the first one. We'll just do it's gonna be 123. And todo in Prog done.
That's what we want. So delete that that's really what we want and we just need to have the well it's kind of all we could probably put
all this stuff here. So that's not bad. So that's a parameterize summary state. 1 2 3 to do, in prog, done.
So each of the times through the list we're going to pass in this pair to the test so I need to give it the the parameter names,
summary and state. And then we will go back to assigning just one card. So C equals card summary state. Oh we need state equals state.
We don't need to specify the first one. We can if we want summary equals summary in the summary.
Equal summary. This is may be confusing if you haven't seen this before this is the parameter name and this is the value.
So let's actually put start here so we're not confusing ourselves. Start summary and start state. And then now the value of state that we're passing
in card is start state and start summary there. Now we can go back to this here we go. Inventing looks weird. Well so now we've got is this it.
All right. This list parameterize and the parameters test, finish, start summary. Oh this is wrong. Start summary Start state start summary,
start state. They get matched up with here and let's go actually let's print it just to make sure because this I don't know if I trust it print let's
do an F string start summary equals start state vehicles. pytest. Let's just make sure this works.
Oh yeah it works a little worried there for a second. If we do verbose it will show up.
This is neat actually. So that the last one when we just did the combined test Func combined. No, not test.
Func combined combined finish. That's right. Just so showed one and now we're showing that the different test cases and it shows
that with test brackets and that's what parameterization looks like you got one todo 123 and todo in Prog done. Yeah. So let's go through that top,
walk through it again just to make sure that we're all understanding what's going on.
So each time through the test this thing one is gonna get assigned to start summary
to do is gonna get assigned to start state and then it will run through it And then it does the same thing with the second set and then the same
thing with the third set. And let's go ahead and print these out just to make sure it's clear as mod wrong. One finish func params. There we go.
The print out in each one of these. It's got the it's got the test node name and then it's printing start summaries,
one star status to do is to do 123 to do in Prog done. They're pretty easy. Don't you think? Let's let's split that so we can compare those.
It's not too bad. Oh I can see one thing that right off the bat that we're we're sort of doing too much work then we need to.
So this is we're parameter rising to things. We really only need two parameters. One. I'll show you that next, but I think it's pretty good.
The benefits far outweigh the downfalls. We don't need this Print summary anymore.
We're pretty happy with that. So let's take a look at how we can simplify this with just one parameter.