Getting started with pytest Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: pytest vs. unittest
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Let's take a look at a simple example of a test and compare pytest versus unittest. In pytest, you just really have a test function starts with test
underscore and use normal asserts. In unit tests you need to derive from unit test test case. So that means that every test has to be a method in a
test class. And you can't really use assert. You can but it doesn't give you enough information.
So there's helper functions like assert equal. With pytest. You can use classes if you want,
you just don't have to and if you do use test classes you don't derive from
anything. You could just have a class and you can still use the normal assert.
These assert helper functions. There's a whole bunch of them in unit test. I'm only listing a few in pytest as I've shown on the left.
It's just assert. So you any boolean expression can be used in an assert statement