Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Part 4: NLP with huggingface and LLMs
Lecture: spaCy-LLM

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0:00 Alright, so I'm back in my notebook and I've taken a couple of extra steps. First, I've installed some extra packages.
0:09 I've installed spaCyllm, which is the llm plugin, and I also installed this library called python.env.
0:16 The reason why I've installed this library is because I need some environment variables that have my OpenAI credentials,
0:23 and those are stored in this .env file. Now, the two variables that I've set there are the OpenAI API organization, which is my personal identifier,
0:34 and I have also set the OpenAI API key, which is my secret key. These are the two environment variables that I've declared in that particular file,
0:45 and these are the two environment variables that this llm provider needs. Besides this .env file though, there's also this other file here,
0:53 which is called spaCy-llm-config. Here's what it looks like. But in this particular case, this config file is somewhat limited.
1:02 We can see that there is this pipeline defined here, where there's only an llm component,
1:07 but inside that llm component we can see that there's a task definition and that there is a model definition.
1:14 This model definition over here contains everything that spaCy-llm needs to understand what backend to use.
1:21 There are lots of backends that are described on the documentation, but I'm using the gpd3-5 setting here, which is chat-gpt.
1:30 Then, for a task, I have a suite of tasks that I can pick from, and you can kind of look at this as a recipe that contains both the
1:40 prompt generator as well as the response translator. But in order to generate the prompt, the minimum thing that I would need
1:48 is I would need to know the names of the labels that I would have to predict. And that's something I'm able to define over here.
1:55 So, in layman's terms, this is all the configuration that you need to have a NER model that detects the dish, the ingredient, and the equipment.
2:06 And this configuration is something I can actually use to bootstrap a spaCy model.
2:11 To do that, there is this assemble function from the spaCy-llm-util library. I can point that to the config file.
2:21 And because I've loaded my keys by running this load.n function, that means that the keys in this file are now properly loaded,
2:30 then this NLP model, whenever it sees text, will do a call to OpenAI. When we send something to OpenAI, we send the prompt plus the text.
2:40 Then we get a response back. And then the text in that response, that is something that spaCy-llm can then use to construct a spaCy doc object.
2:50 And that's what we see happen here. As a user, it really feels like you're using spaCy as you would normally.
2:57 It's just that all of this in the background is abstracted away from you. But that is still definitely kind of a nice feature, I would say.
3:06 We are able to use big LLM models, and it still feels like we're just using spaCy.

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