Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Part 3: spaCy Projects
Lecture: Introduction

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0:00 So, so far in this series of videos what I've been doing is I've been showing off
0:04 spaCy and initially I was only showing the features but then I actually also
0:09 started using it. But what I would like to do now is also make a small step in
0:13 maturity because so far yeah I've been showing spaCy but I've been doing all of
0:18 that from inside of a Jupyter notebook and odds are that if you're gonna do a
0:24 real NLP project properly then you kind of want to think outside of a Jupyter
0:29 notebook and you kind of want to think more in terms of a project. This will
0:34 involve a project structure but it also involves a slightly different way of thinking about your code. Things will have to be more maintainable and
0:41 repeatable at this point in time because if we're going to be doing NLP one thing
0:46 is going to happen and that is that we're going to have to iterate a whole
0:49 bunch. And this is something I would like to focus in on in the next... we're going to be making our own spaCy model that has our own methods to detect
0:58 programming languages and tech tools and all that but we also need to think
1:03 about a project structure that makes it easy for us to iterate. And as luck would
1:07 have it spaCy definitely has some tools to help make this easy but most importantly of all I hope that we also appreciate the fact that if we're going
1:15 to be going about this in a mature way we have to go a little bit more towards
1:20 the project way of thinking and a little bit less of experimenting inside of a
1:24 Jupyter notebook. There's definitely a place for that but right now I am going to assume that we want to do things a bit more formally.

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