Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: About the instructor

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0:00 So, with that out of the way, I guess it might also be a good time for me to introduce myself.
0:05 Hi, my name is Vincent and I will be your instructor for this course.
0:10 At the time of making this recording, I currently work at a company called Probable.
0:15 I'm doing very cool stuff here together with some of the Scikit-learn maintainers. Before that though, I used to work at a company called Explosion.
0:24 This is the company behind Spacey, by the way. Before that, I've also been quite active in open source projects.
0:29 In particular, you may have seen one of my talks on API data. I tend to frequent them, especially in Europe.
0:38 But I also maintain a bunch of open source projects. My GitHub username is koning, K-O-N-I-N-G.
0:47 And if you go to my profile there, you should see almost a small dozen of projects at this point.
0:53 But you may have also heard from me from this project called I'm also the person who started that project.
1:01 What you're also noticing, by the way, is that I like to teach using a drawing utensil. I have a little screen here that I can draw on.
1:10 And I find that to be a very convenient way to teach. I can doodle around as if it's a whiteboard.
1:16 But what I am also able to do is point to code that is on screen. And I really like to think that that's a nice way to learn.
1:24 What I also really like is if I'm able to teach with a bit of focus. So I'm going to try to keep the videos nice and short.
1:33 But I also want to prevent any distractions. And because the stuff that's on screen is going to be the most important thing, this
1:40 will also be the last time that you actually see my face in this course.
1:43 I'm going to be doodling over everything with the goal to keep things nice and clean and focused.
1:49 And it's my hope that, of course, this is a very enjoyable style of teaching for you as well.
1:54 But again, from now on we're going to do everything using the Wacom tablet that I've got.
2:00 And you're going to see all the stuff that I also see on screen.

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