Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: Course requirements

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0:00 The goal of this course will be to be on the pragmatic side We're not gonna do a whole bunch of math to explain fancy algorithms here
0:09 I'm really going to drive home more of an intuition feeling That said I do have some expectations about the audience
0:19 In particular I do expect that you have done a little bit of Python beforehand If this is your first time doing anything with Python
0:28 Then maybe this course just isn't for you because I do assume that things like for loops and functions That all that stuff is well understood
0:34 Also, you would benefit if you're able to run Jupyter on your local machine You don't need a whole lot of compute power for this course
0:43 But I do need enough such as you're able to run Jupyter comfortably If you can't run this on your own machine that can still be fine
0:50 You can also use something like Google Colab or maybe VS Code via Codespaces But I do need you to be able to run Python on your own machine
0:59 Finally in terms of machine learning knowledge
1:02 I actually expect very little but I can imagine that if you have some machine learning experience that it would be beneficial
1:11 Definitely don't sweat it if you aren't necessarily a superhero when it comes to machine learning
1:17 As we'll see later in the course. It's not so much the algorithms that will help you
1:21 It's definitely more of a data quality game that we're going to be playing But to summarize the main assumption that I've got is that you are
1:27 Not necessarily an expert but that you are comfortable using Python If that's the case and you're able to run Jupyter locally
1:34 Then you should learn a bunch about running an NLP project from this course

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