Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: The outline of the course

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0:00 So let's start by discussing how this course is organized. What you're looking at right now is the introduction, where we're mainly going to
0:07 discuss what you can expect. After that there's a very small segment where we're just going to install the required software.
0:15 Then we get to what I would like to call part one of this course, where it's mainly going to be about syntax. We have to understand some of the data
0:22 structures inside of spaCy before we can actually start using it. But that's a relatively short part, after which we are immediately going to
0:29 get our feet wet. We're going to take the Talk Python transcripts here and just see what we can do with some of the base models of spaCy,
0:37 just to get a bit more familiar. After that we are going to be training our own custom spaCy models.
0:44 And I'll also dive a little bit more into projects and what the concerns might be when you're doing NLP.
0:51 And after that we're also going to have a part where we discuss some other tools. These include HuggingFace as well as some LLMs.
0:59 I'm also going to show you how these might integrate with spaCy, but this will also be a point in time where I show you some new tools that are on
1:06 the horizon as well. After which the course will wrap up and the hope is that by the time you get here you have everything you need to
1:14 start doing an NLP project on your own. That is the final goal of this course really.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon