Getting Started with NLP and spaCy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the Course
Lecture: What the course is about

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0:00 Hi there, my name is Vincent and what you're looking at is the introduction of a course in natural language processing.
0:09 Specifically this course is going to focus in on a tool called Spacey,
0:13 which is a very likable and general library with all sorts of tools that are going to be useful if you're going to be diving into this realm.
0:21 But as a motivating example what we're also going to do is we're going to look at the Talk Python transcripts.
0:27 These are the transcripts from the popular podcast that you may have heard of before.
0:32 And what I just thought would be a fun exercise is to see if we can detect Python tools from these transcripts.
0:39 There could be all sorts of fun use cases for that. We might be able to see when certain tools become more popular and less popular etc.
0:48 But I thought that was going to be a fun motivating example to learn more about NLP but specifically to also dive into Spacey.
0:55 We're also going to talk a little bit about how you might want to run projects in general when you have not just code that you're dealing with but maybe also datasets that are updating.
1:04 And at the end we're also going to talk a little bit about some new tools that are around the corner.
1:09 And specifically we're going to also talk about how LLMs can also be useful when you are running a NLP project.
1:15 Now NLP is rapidly developing right now in part because of these LLMs.
1:20 But the goal of this course is to show you just enough so you can start your own NLP project. We are not just going to do a whole bunch of syntax.
1:29 We're also going to talk a little bit more broadly about things to pay attention to.
1:34 I hope that sounds like a lot of fun. My name is Vincent and I will be your instructor. [ Silence ]

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon