Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Mapping URLs

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0:00 A user types of URL into a browser which ultimately gets sent to Django Django then needs to map that URL into a function call or class
0:10 responsible for generating the web page for that URL. The system file contains the master mapping of URLs to views.
0:19 It contains a variable named URL patterns, which is a list of path objects that map URLs.
0:24 There are several different kinds of things you can do when mapping a URL. You can use a built in view like the redirect view to serve a file directly
0:33 like a favion. You can also map a path to another URLs file either
0:38 through importing that module or using the include function to specify the name of it in text. In the first line of the light blue color here,
0:47 I've mapped a URL directly to a view. The say hello URL will get mapped to the say hello method inside of the primer.views module.
0:56 If you want to map the base URL. You map the empty string like in the third line of the blue code.
1:05 By default Django development server won't serve uploaded files which it calls media files.
1:11 You can get around this by using the static function from the static files module to mount the directory that contains your media files and serve them.
1:20 As this is a bad idea in production, I've added this mapping only in the situation where the settings configuration debug is set to true.

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