Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: New projects and their structure

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0:00 Way back in the beginning, you took the first steps towards a new Django project.
0:04 You installed Django and then used the Django admin command line tool to start a new project.
0:09 A Django project is comprised of the somewhat confusingly named Django apps. So the next step after creating a project is to create an app.
0:20 Django is a web framework after all. So of course it comes with a web server. The run server management command runs a development server on port 8000,
0:28 which you can use to test your code. Once you've used the start project and start app commands,
0:34 you'll end up with a directory structure that looks something like this. The structure has a bit of a weird doubling in it.
0:41 Whatever you named, your project will show up as your project root and then there
0:45 will be a system configuration directory named the same thing underneath it. Here, you see the alexandria in yellow as the project route and the one in
0:54 light blue as the configuration directory. The configuration directory has files for configuring and managing your Django project.
1:02 The WSGI and a WSGI files are used to wire your Django code to a production web server.
1:09 The file contains a number of variable declarations that are used to configure
1:14 your Django project, including the all important installed apps that lists all the apps you wish to use.
1:22 The file maps URLs to views, the code that generates a web page. This file can also reference and include other URL mapping files so you can
1:31 create a hierarchy of mapping is to keep your code nice and organized. By default, Django uses SQLite as its database engine.
1:40 So once you've started creating models, you're going to see the db.sqlite3 file. You can change what database engine to use in
1:48 Django provides a number of command line management tools for configuring and managing your project. You run these through the script.
1:58 This is a wrapper to the same code you used to run the start project and start app commands.
2:03 You structure your code in a Django project with one or more apps which really should have been called modules.
2:10 When you use the start app command to create an app, Django creates a cookie cutter set of files for you.
2:17 Each app has an file that controls how the app interacts with the Django admin web tool.
2:24 An file that contains meta information about the app. file that specifies data based model objects.
2:32 The file for app unit tests. A file that contains views for generating web pages and a migrations directory
2:43 that contains scripts that help Django manage changes you make to your object models.

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