Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Custom Django Commands
Lecture: Running the 'authors' command
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I'm inside my trusty terminal. Let me start by running the management command without any arguments. Let me just scroll up here.
Remember if you're on Windows, you'll have to be less lazy than I and type out the whole Python to get this to run.
The result of without a subcommand is a list of all of the commands grouped by the app that defines them.
The second grouping here is the catalog app and the newly minted authors command. Okay, now that you've seen that, let me run the command itself.
Calling the authors command prints out a list of the author's last name, first name, if there is one, birth year, and some info about their picture,
file name, remember how I said there was help. Let's see that. There's a lot here and that's because the base command is providing all
sorts for you automatically. You can manage django settings, you can modify the Python path, you can decide whether or not to use colorized output.
All that comes for free by inheriting from base command because there's so much help info it would be easy to miss this line that I've highlighted,
but it is that help attribute that you defined in the class. If your command had arguments,
additional information about them would show up here as well. Let's go write just such a command.