Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Receiving Uploads in Django
Lecture: Writing an upload view

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0:00 I'm going to add three new views. The first will be for showing a list of authors. The second for showing an author's details
0:08 and the third will be the actual image upload view. As all of this is to do with the author.
0:14 I'm going to put it inside of catalog which is where the author's model object exists So opening catalog
0:24 First off some updates to the import section of the view file. When I get to the uploads view, I'm going to need to do some file manipulation.
0:34 So up here, I've added the pathlib library. I'm also going to need the media route setting and I'm going to want the upload
0:51 to require a login. So there's a couple more imports there as well. After an upload you want to send the user somewhere.
0:59 So here is the redirect function you used in the previous chapter on a successful form upload
1:04 and the final import change is I'm going to need the author model.
1:26 The first new view here lists authors. It's pretty much as basic as a view can get query all the authors in the database ordering by their last name,
1:35 then render it in a template. The next view is for a specific author.
1:54 This is similar to book listing and book in a previous chapter. You now have corresponding author listing and author views.
2:02 Okay, now, this is what you came here for, file uploads.
2:31 Like the views you saw in the previous chapter. First off, I'm going to need to display the form associated with the upload
2:37 the get renders the form for the given author that form will have a special HTML field
2:42 for attaching a file and like any form will be submitted via http post.
3:17 This is the code for managing the post. All uploaded files are included in the request object in a dictionary called files, all caps.
3:26 Each upload field in the form has a name which is the key in the files dictionary. I've called mine author photo.
3:35 Line 42 just stores a reference to that object. Line 43 constructs the name of a path, to save this binary data into. As I mentioned before,
3:46 one way of handling name conflicts is to use a unique identifier. I'm going to put the file into the media route and instead of accepting what the
3:54 user named it, I'm going to name it. The user's ID number underscore whatever the user wanted to name it. This is actually not the best practice.
4:04 Depending on your server you might get in trouble. The user might include characters in their file name that can cause problems.
4:11 For simplicity's sake, I'm going to stick with this for now but you might want to use a fully generated file name with a unique number instead.
4:19 Lines 44 through 46 write the file to the disk on the server. Line 44 opens a new file in,
4:27 write binary mode and the four loop writes chunks of binary to the file a piece at a time.
4:34 The chunks method on the upload object has smart defaults about how big each part of the file should be.
4:40 So you're using a good buffer instead of writing, say, a single bite at a time.
4:45 Lines 48 and 49 update the author object with the path for the newly created file And then, of course,
4:53 don't forget to save after editing the model object. And then all that being done.
4:58 Line 51 uses good old redirect to send the user to the author's page so they can see the newly uploaded file.

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