Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Posting Data
Lecture: Testing Django forms
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You wrote some code, time to write some tests. A few things to think about with the new features.
First you'll want to test a view that is behind the login wall, which means you'll have to log in. Next you're going to be accessing pages
and just like in the templates you shouldn't hard code your URLs. So you'll use reverse in the test to look them up.
You've seen the test client for getting a page. Well it also supports posting and to properly test your form process.
You'll want to verify that you get the correct redirect on successful form submission. Once again I have pre prepared a file for this.
Here's test review. To test things behind the login wall you're going to need a user or two and as the reviews are per user.
I've created a few of those as well. The setup method gets called before each test and this one creates a list of users
who are a named user dash number all with the same password. To test a review, I'll need a book, to get a book I need an author, so lines 22 through
24 create an author and book. The first chunk of this test makes sure that a book page that has no reviews comes back saying that there are no reviews.
On line 27, I used the reverse method to look up the URL named book with the book ID as an argument. I then use the client get method to get that URL
and assert that it came back as 200 status code, with the no reviews yet string showing up in the content.
The next chunk tests that the review page is behind the login wall. I look up the review URL and hit it.
I'm not logged in so I should get redirected to the login page. This is always a good test to have.
It's easy to forget or accidentally delete a login decorator and you'd be exposing a page you didn't mean to.
So validating it in your tests so you can do regression is a good idea. The third part of this test tests the submission of a review.
Lines 39 through 42 create a dictionary. That will be used as the posts submission.
Line 44 logs the client in while the line after does the actual post. The post is to the URL
that was looked up earlier and the data being sent is the equivalent of a form submission. As this data is valid,
what should come back is a redirect corresponding to the book's page. I checked the 302 status code that's redirect and I checked that the URL
inside of it is correct. After that online 49 I fetched the first review object associated with the book.
As there should only be one, it should be the right one. I then checked that the rating and text was set correctly from the form submission.
Not satisfied to do this once, on line 53, I do the process again using a different rating and review text. Next I test the book page.
On line 67 I log out. I don't technically have to do this, but this page is not behind the login wall so it doesn't hurt.
On line 68, I get the book page then validate that there are two reviews on the page, one from each of users, 0 and 1.
Finally, I double checked that those were the only two reviews in the content. More code, more tests, and everything still passes. That's great.