Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Users and Account Management
Lecture: Registering a user-created signal callback

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0:00 So that's the profile, now to set up the signal for creation. The receiver decorator registers this function as a signal handler.
0:14 The post save value indicates the signal being listened for is the one that gets emitted after an object is saved.
0:22 The object I'm interested in getting this signal from is user. So I set that as the sender.
0:30 Signal handler functions take one required parameter and some optional ones. The required argument is a reference to the instance object that
0:38 emitted the signal. In our case that will be the user class.
0:43 This is necessary because you could have multiple senders registered with a single function. I'm only interested in creating a profile,
0:54 if the user object is newly created, the post save signal gets triggered on every single save. There is a key in the keyword
1:03 args called created that is true, if there is a newly created object. There's another edge case here as well.
1:11 When doing imports from fixtures, you don't want to create the profile automatically. The fixture is going to have that profile already,
1:20 Thankfully, the raw key word will indicate if this is being loaded from a fixture.
1:25 To recap, this code will only create a new profile if the post save signal was
1:30 for a user that was newly created and it wasn't created through loading a fixture.
1:35 The instance key in the key word dictionary contains the instance of the object whose creation caused the signal.
1:43 To make the code a little easier to read, I have stored that in a variable called user. This is the code to actually create the user.
1:58 There are other cases where profile might get created for you, like on the main form of the Django admin.
2:05 As such, line 22 does one last check to see if there is a reader in the database associated with the user.
2:12 If there isn't the get method on the query manager will raise a it does not exist exception, which is great, that's what you want.
2:20 Inside of the except clause the actual profile then gets created. If that user did exist, then the except clause won't fire and nothing will happen.

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