Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Users and Account Management
Lecture: Changing passwords
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Okay, Let's take a look at the password change process. I'll start by showing you my prewritten password change form.
Remember Django has a view for this already so you have to name the file exactly this. The good news is you don't have to write a view.
The bad news is you do have to write the template. Like the login page a form object gets passed into the context.
If there are errors in the form like the user has attempted something previously and been
sent back to the page then the form objects error attribute will have information in it. I'm handling that here beginning on line 5.
In the error case the forum will have some text above that indicates errors need to be corrected the div on line six.
If there aren't errors then some instructions are shown telling the user they have to enter their old password and then their new password twice.
Just like the login page, you start out with some CSRF magic. Unlike the login page, I'm doing something a little different here.
Instead of just doing form.sp I'm using a bunch of bootstrap to make the page far prettier. In order to get that prettiness,
I'm using bootstraps class called form group. The first group contains an input field for the old password.
This first if embedded inside the class tag checks if there are errors associated with this
field like for example the user didn't get their old password correct and if so includes the is invalid class in this forms stylization.
The second if tag checks if there's a value in this field. If so, it includes it in the input tags value attribute displaying the old value
The third if tag also checks for errors displaying a div with the actual error information inside of it.
HTML is so verbose, two more input fields to go each input field gets its own form group.
So here's another form group. This one is for the users new password. This is also an HTML input field has similar if tags to the one above
making sure that the field shows the appropriate errors, existing values and some help text. And then this last one is pretty much the same
as the previous one, except instead of being new password one, this is new password two.
The password change view will validate whether these two fields contain the same information.
Top it all off with a submit button and you're ready for the next template.