Django: Getting Started Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing the Django Web Framework
Lecture: Your first Django app

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0:00 Django is a whole lot of stuff. In fact, it's probably one of the bigger frameworks out there for Python. It is this big because it's opinionated.
0:09 This can be both a good and a bad thing. Most of what you want to do when writing a project for the web is built
0:14 in here, meaning you have less code to write the bad part. Well, trying to do something that isn't quite the Django way sometimes requires a bit
0:22 extra effort. That's the tradeoff. Some key features of Django are an interface built loosely around the model view controller concept
0:31 This means there's a separation between the data, the business logic and the presentation of the results.
0:38 Web pages live at addresses and Django provides a routing mechanism to map between those addresses
0:43 and your presentation logic. This includes tools for managing parameters in your URL in two different ways
0:53 and ultimately for a web project, you're trying to spit out some HTML.
0:55 HTML can be very repetitive. Each page having the same headers and footers is actually
1:00 quite common. The Django template engine gives you a way of creating reusable composable pieces, allowing you to write HTML in a fashion
1:08 similar to how you write code. The model part of model view controller is an abstraction for data. As soon as you have data in a database,
1:17 you tend to need a whole bunch of code to manage it, creating it, updating it, deleting it,
1:22 etc. Django comes with a management suite called the Django admin that provides a low code library for managing all your data objects.
1:31 Lots of websites need user accounts. Users are just another kind of data, but they have special requirements, account creation,
1:38 password resets, permissions, loads of things you need to do, Django helps you out here by providing libraries and stubs for managing users,
1:46 their authentication, and their authorization in your sight.

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