Fundamentals of Dask Transcripts
Chapter: Next Steps
Lecture: Whats next

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0:00 With that We come to the end of this course. We hope that you found it helpful and have started tinkering with Dask yourself to recap
0:09 we covered many concepts in this course. We covered Dask Arrays, Dask Delayed, Dask Bag,
0:18 Dask Schedulers and Dask-ML with a brief introduction to scaling to the cloud. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
0:27 We have covered the fundamental topics to help you kick start your Dask and scalable data science journey but there is so much more to Dask.
0:36 For example, there are many advanced Dask concepts that give you finer control over your
0:41 computations. We looked at Coiled cloud but there are many ways to deploy Dask.
0:48 One of Dask superpowers is how well it can work with other tools and there
0:53 is so much to discuss their if you'd like to continue learning and seriously who wouldn't
0:59 Dasks official documentation is one of the best resources followed closely by Dasks examples Repository. If you look up task on GIT hub,
1:10 you'll notice that Dask has numerous sub projects maintained by different teams. Some of these projects have their own documentation,
1:18 which is also worth checking out. As you can see. This is a huge community effort and would like to thank
1:25 all the Dask contributors for maintaining and improving this amazing project.
1:30 Thank you for taking this journey with us and we hope to see you around in all the Dask spaces. Happy scaling!.

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