Fundamentals of Dask Transcripts
Chapter: Dask-ML
Lecture: Checkpoint 1

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0:00 Thank you for spending so much time listening and watching and hopefully coding along.
0:06 But now it's time to get your hands even dirtier with a checkpoint.
0:10 So the question here is to fit a logistic regression cross validation model on the given
0:16 data. Let's unpack that slightly. Logistic regression is another type of classification model that's really
0:24 all you need to know for the purpose of this exercise for the purposes of this checkpoint. So it's kind of similar to k-nearest neighbors.
0:31 There's a different type of model, but the API generally works in the same way with fit and predict. Now there's a little twist here.
0:38 This is actually a cross validation estimator. So you'll be using logistic regression CV,
0:44 which combines logistic regression with this 'GridSearchCV' capability above. So to see how that works,
0:52 I'd encourage you to click on the documentation here. So what we want you to do now is to implement this with and without parallelism
0:59 and see how long each of them takes. Best of luck.

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