Fundamentals of Dask Transcripts
Chapter: Dask Schedulers
Lecture: Distributed scheduler

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0:00 As we mentioned earlier, we always recommend using the "Distributed scheduler" and we've been using it throughout this course already,
0:08 so it's the only scheduler that supports all the diagnostic dashboards and improved memory management
0:14 capabilities. It's also a separate sub project with a separate team of maintainers. So just a few points, the distributed scheduler,
0:23 as we have here in the notebook, will also work well for workloads on a single machine on top of that.
0:29 It is recommended for workloads that do not hold the GIL, such as (dask.bag) and custom code wrapped in (dask.delayed),
0:35 even recommended on a single machine on top of this, it's kind of more intelligent and provides better diagnostics than the processes scheduler,
0:44 It's absolutely required for scaling out work across a Cluster. Now let's not forget our Dask and distributed hygiene as we always close the 'Cluster'.

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