Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Relationships
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The last thing we have to do to round out our relational database model is to set up the relationships.
So far we've effectively have just a bunch of tables in the database with no relationships.
We're not really taking advantage of what they have to offer so in order to work with these let's go up here
I'm going to do a little bit more of an import the ORM aspect to we'll talk about relationships and Object Relational Mappers and so on.
So over here, what we want to do is we want to have just a field releases and when we interact with that field
we would like it to effectively go to the database do a join to pull back all the releases through this relationship
that are associated with this package. So basically where the package ID on the release matches whatever ideas here.
So the way that we're going to do this is we're going to go over her and say this is an orm.relation relation just singular like that
and then in here we talk about what class in SQLAlchemy terms this is related to. It's going to be a release, that's good
and that alone would be enough but often you want the stuff you get back through this relationship to have some kind of order.
Wouldn't you rather be able to go through this lesson say it's oldest to newest or newest to oldest releases?
That would be great if you had to do no effort to make that happen right? Well guess what, we can set it up
so there's no effort so we can say, order_by= Now we can put one of two things here. We could say I want to order my one column
on the release class so we'll just say release and import it at the top. You could say we want to say accreted data descending
like this and that would be a totally fine option but what we want to do is actually show, if we go over here
we want to order first by the major version then the minor version, then the build version. All of those descending so in order to order
by multiple things, we're going to put a list right here like so and let's say we're going to order it by major version
minor version, and build version. All right so that means we get it back it's going to go to the database and have the database do the sort.
Databases are awesome at doing sorts especially with things with indexes like these three columns right here have.
Okay so that's pretty good and we're also going to have a relationship in the reverse direction so package has many releases.
Each release is associated with one package. So over here when I have a package for a moment I'm going to leave it empty
but we're going to have this field right here. So what we can do is we can say is back populates package what does that mean?
That means when I go here and I get these all filled out and I iterate over my get one of the releases off maybe I hand it somewhere else
somebody says .package on that release it will refer back to the same object that we originally had that we accessed it's here
so it kind of maintains this bidirectional relationship behavior between a package, it's releases and a given release and it's packaged automatically
so might as well throw that on there. All right this one's looking pretty good let's do the flip side. How does it know that there's some relationship?
I just said this class is related to that boom done. Well that's not super obvious what this is.
So what we're going to do is like standard database stuff is we're going to say there's a package_id here
and this is a field or column in the release table to maintain that relationship and this will be a sa.Column, SQLAlchemy Column
and what type is it going to be? It has to correspond exactly to the type up there. Okay so this has to be SQLAlchemy.string
but in addition that it'll be SQLAlchemy.ForeignKey. So it's a little tricky to keep these things straight
in your mind but sometimes we speak in terms of classes sometimes we speak in terms of databases. Over here I said the class name for a relationship
but in this part, the foreign key you speak in terms of the databases, it'll be packages.id lowercase right that's this thing we're referring to
that and the ID. So here we're going to have that foreign key right there and then this we can set that up to be a relationship as well.
So again we got to get ahold of our orm orm.relation and it's going to relate back to package. Okay, I think that might do it.
We're going to run and find out but we have it working in both directions so here we can go to the releases
and then we can go, this will establish that relationship and this will be that referring the thing that refers back to it.
Now we've already created those tables so in order for this to have any effect we have to drop those in this temporary form
or member migrations later but not now. All right, let's run it and see if this works. All right, it seems happy that's a pretty good sign
SQLAlchemy's pretty picky so we go over here there really shouldn't be anything we notice about this table but here we should now have a package
and notice in that blue key, even right here there's a foreign key relationship if we go back and interact with this, say modify table
we now have one foreign key from package_id which references packages ID, that's exactly what we wanted. Now we don't have any data here yet
so this is not going to be super impressive but let me show you how this will work. Imagine somehow magically through the database
through a query which we don't have anything yet but if we did, I'm going to come over here I'm going to go give me a package, right?
Now I'm just allocating a new one but you could do a query to get to it right? So then I could say print P., I don't know what
ID would be the name and then I could say print our releases and say for r in p.releases that will print out, here we go
we go through and print them out. All right and we would only have to do one query except when explicit query here to get that
and then down here, once it's back this would go back to the database potentially depending how we define that query
and then do a query for all the releases ordered by the way we said and then get them back, that's pretty cool.
Maybe like notice it says you can't iterate over this it's kind of annoying, let's see if I can fix this to say this is a list of release.
Import that from typing, all right. So now it's happy and if I say r. notice that so maybe this is a good idea, I'm not sure
if it's going to freak it out or not but I'll leave it in there until it becomes a problem. All right, let's actually just run it real quick
make sure this works. Yeah that worked, didn't crash when we did that little print out. There was nothing to print but still, pretty good.
So those are the releases. Once we get some data inserted you'll see how to leverage them even for inserts they're pretty awesome.