Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: SQLAlchemy model base class
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Νow we defined our package class we saw that it's not really going to work or at least I told you it's not going to work unless we have a base class.
So what we're going to to, is going to define another Python file here and this is going to seem a little bit silly
to have such small amount of code in its own file but it really helps break circular dependencies so totally worth it.
When I create a file here called model base. And you would think if we're going to create a class it would be something like this, SQLAlchemyBase.
Then we would do stuff here right? That's typically how you create a class. But it's not the only way and it's not the way that SQLAlchemy uses.
So what SQLAlchemy does is it uses a factory method to at run time, generate these base classes. We can have more than one. We can have a standard one.
We can have a analytics database one. All sorts of stuff. So you can have one of these base classes for each database you want to target.
And then factor out what classes go to what database based on like maybe the core database or analytics by driving from these different classes.
We don't need to do that. We're just going to have the one. But it's totally reasonable. So let's go over here and say
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative as dec add something shorter than that. And then down here instead of saying the class
then we say the dec.declarative_base(). That's it, do a little clean up, and we are done. Here's our base class
and now we can associate that with a database connection and these classes. So we just come over here in the easiest way
and PyCharm is just to put it here and say Yes, you can import that at the top. So it adds that line rewrite there, and that's it.
This class is ready to be saved to the database. We have to configure SQLAlchemyBase itself a little bit more. But package, it's ready to roll.