Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion and review
Lecture: SQLAlchemy models
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The next major area we focused on was to actually start saving all of this data to the database. Remember, we had taken the top 100 packages,
and once we were able to save stuff to the database, we imported those there. We started having our users actually saved in the database when
they registered and then validated from the database when they logged in and so on.
So a couple of things that we did there for those models was we created this declarative_base. So
sqlalchemy, extensions, declarative, declarative_base. And this is really just a class, as if you type the word class space something,
but it's more dynamically generated. And the idea is: Everything that derives from this class will be a table that is managed by SQLAlchemy.
You have Package, Release and User because they all three derived from this particular instance
of this base class, this particular type we created here. It means that when we go to that base class and say,
create all your tables or you have relationships or things like that, all those tables are gonna be related and created through that one action.
And it's all this base class, the SqlAlchemyBase class, that makes that happen. And then, for each one of these classes, in this case Package,
we're going to do a couple of things. We define a dunder table name and then we're gonna give it some columns that are also fields in our classes,
so an id, in this case we're gonna say this is an integer, it's autoincrementing, and it's a primary key, so we don't have to set it,
just as we insert stuff in the database, it will automatically get this primary key set appropriately and uniquely from the database.
Then we'll have a summary, which is a string, a size which is an integer, a home_page,
which is a string. We even saw we can set up really cool relationships like for example, this package has a bunch of releases.
So instead of doing additional database queries manually, we're just gonna set up the relationship. And if we interact with the releases collection,
it's automatically going to get that from the database, either because we've done a join ahead of time knowing that's gonna happen or through a
lazy loading thing, and it'll go back to the database and get that data if we need it.