Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: async databases with SQLAlchemy
Lecture: Async create account
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Next up is our create_account. This one is not asynchronous yet. So let's borrow this little bit here and make it asynchronous.
So we're gonna do that, and that makes this method require async. We no longer need our try, finally, because we've got our context block already.
And what else do we need to do? We could actually do this right here, ahead of times outside of this async behavior. So this will run right away,
including this, which is computationally slightly expensive. So we can do ahead and run that.
And then as soon as we've gotta talk to the database we'll go and await it. So we begin, basically begin a transaction,
add this record to be committed. This commit here, this is asynchronous, this is where we're talking to the database. So we need to say await,
you can go do other work while we're talking the database. When it gets back with the result, we'll send it on.
We're gonna return, you could even do it like this, we could return our user. So everything looks good. That's pretty straightforward but remember,
wherever this was being used, we now have to go and make that async. So that means this becomes await right there.
This one was already async because we needed that for the parsing of the form, which is a async in and of itself.
All right, we should be able to register again. But this time, using the async capabilities. Log out,
what do you think? time for another Sarah Jones register? How about Sarah Jones4?
And again, let's go ahead and just verify this works, the email is taken. But if it's 4, you can create the account.
Here we go. It looks like we created the account so, perfect. This bit of code seems to be working great.
We can now asynchronously, create users. Super simple, very similar to before actually,
in this one even more. This is the most similar code you'll see from anything that we've done. We just, instead of creating the session,
adding and calling commit, we created it with the context block and we await the commit. Easy.